Monday, May 20, 2013

Kindrunner launching June 1st, check it out...

Hey guys I am finally settling in and am able to come back full time to you guys. I hope you guys are still out there:) I will explain my media break later, but today I wanted to tell you guys about a great new company called Kindrunner. It is launching on June 1st and I think your going to be EXCITED!
First of all You guys know I am a running shoe fanatic. Yes, I have a shoe for everything CrossFit, Distance, Short Runs, Speed Work, Track Work, Spinning, Lifting, Trail name it I probably have a shoe for it. So when the guys over at Kindrunner contacted me about their new website, I knew I had to tell you guys about it.
So what is Kindrunner?
Kindrunner is a BRAND NEW web-based running product website where we offer only the best performing and highest rated products to our customers! Our goal is to bring running specialty focus to the web, and offer expert shoe fit and product guidance online. Our focus is on top-notch customer service, expert product reviews, an engaging and informative platform, AND making an effort to change the world for the better by repurposing footwear rather than allowing it to find its way into the trash.
Here are a few facts about Kindrunner...
  1. Kindrunner is the only place on the web where runners can trade in their old running shoes for new shoes.
Runners receive Kindness Cash Rewards for every shoe they send to us. We in turn give those old shoes do our shoe donation partners including Soles 4 Souls. The runners received a credit that they can apply to anything on our site. We have Free 3 Way Shipping that allows a runner to both return product if they change their mind and send their old shoes to us for free.
We have a virtual running shop on the site that includes a staff product review for every product. I can send you a sample video if you like. I think you will find them both informative and funny.
2. How did I come up with the idea?
I own a few running stores in NJ and have been collecting shoes for various charitable causes for years. I just wanted to find a way to help more people. Great running shops do something very special that can not be easily duplicated (case in point, you know this if you have tried a new running store in the last few years) so we wanted to combine the idea of expert advise and helping others in need. We found some willing partners in Soles 4 Souls and the More Foundation Group who agreed to helps us recycle the customers boxes and get the shoes directly to people in need and support projects that help people in places where they need assistance  the most.
3. What happens to the shoes and packaging materials?
All of the old running shoes are shipped directly to our shoe donation partners distribution centers where the boxes and paper are recycled properly and the shoes are sent to to people in need in counties like Haiti and those in Western Africa among others. In some cases shoes are given to people in need in the US.
4. What happens if you do not have a pair of old running shoes?
If you do not have old running shoes we accept other rubber soled shoes that are not designed to be worn as dress shoes. For every pair you purchase from kind runner, you can send back an old pair.
5. How is this different from what does?
It is different in a very positive way. We applaud the good work they do, however for ever pair or shoes purchased (and thus  manufactured) they create a mother pair to give to to someone. This helps the person in need, but it also doubles the carbon foot print of the company in one transaction.  At Kindrunner we simply repurpose your old running shoes, giving them to non-runners who need them for basic transportation and protection from injury and disease. We stretch a single carbon foot print to its maximum potential. We believe that thoughtful and educated runners all over the country will relate to our movement and want to be a Kindrunner.
I hope you guys are as excited about the launch of Kindrunner as I am.
Right now they are giving everyone a chance to WIN RUNNING SHOES FOR A YEAR for you and a friend. AHHHHH! Just go sign up HERE, Good Luck!
You can connect with Kindrunner via social media below.

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