Thursday, July 25, 2013

Finally a great training day...

Yesterday was one of those days I have been wanting to have for a while.
Still in love with my SXUC Sunglasses from the Sunglasses Shop
I had a great 5 mile run in my neighborhood. Since moving I have not had the time or the energy to get out and explore the huge neighborhood I moved to. I know I should be making time but with this going on nonstop...
its hard to find time. But I have told myself that I need to be number 1 even if its for an hour a day. I even managed to get in another 2000 meter swim yesterday afternoon at the pool.
And this little crazy 6yr old I have decided to jump off the 12 ft diving board for the first time...
You would never know he just learned to swim a month ago. I am excited about the fall coming because my kids are all 3 involved in sports and the competitions start. And another great thing I have coming up is flying to Louisville Kentucky for the Ironman Competition.
My best friend Melanie and I are going to cheer on her husband as he competes in his first Ironman comp. I am soooooo excited! If you going to be there I would love to meet you.
So as the day passes, I hope you have done something today to make your life more healthier!
And don't forget to sign up for my Drenched 5k entry giveaway
QOTD: What is your favorite get healthy routine?


  1. Hi Larisa! How are you! I still can't figure out why the RSS feed for your blog isn't working. Ugh!

    I'm on vacation now and as much as I'm loving it and don't want it to end I'm ready to be home and back to my routine.
