Monday, August 27, 2012

Hurricane preparing, and an easy lunch

As we prepare for the hurricane that is Isaac to ge here. We are getting ready for it today. Preparing for 90 mile an hour winds, tornados, and a lot of rain sucks. So I thought I would make a quick lunch recipe and share it with you, ENJOY!

I am always looking for something I can make quick because #1 I hate to cook and #2 I dont eat alot of "cooked" food. So I decided to make do with what I had in the kitchen, so here it is...

cheese, tomato, and wheat bread, AHA!

Slice tomato into thin slices and layer on bread with cheese

Put in 350 degree oven till cheese melts


Depending on the bread you use, each one averages out to be about 160 calories, so it is a great balanced lunch.
Pray for all of us down South.
QOTD: Have you ever been in a hurricane?


  1. Good Luck and be safe. Irene hit Jersey last year. We were supposed to evacuate but chose to stay anyway. Not too bad at our house but many neighborhoods flooded and lost power for days, some a week. NJ was so not prepared! Now that we are, no hurricane will touch us, lol

  2. countless hurricanes..lost everything in Andrew 20 yrs ago last week, Wilma demolished us and the last 2 days have been flooded & trees down compliments of Isaac and a lot of hurricanes and tropical storms inbetween there...when Wilma hit we got hit with 4...including her, Ike?, Katrina and one other..after awhile you kinda lose track of all their names! lol
    part of living in South FL :)
