Monday, August 6, 2012

Liebster Awards:)

Liebster Awards
I was lucky enough to be nominated for a Leibster Award by Mindy at Road Runner Girl and also by Ali at Thanks girls!

What is it: The Liebster Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

  1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
  2. Then answer the questions the tagger sent for them, plus created 11 questions for the people they've tagged to answer.
  3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
  4. Notify the people you have tagged.
  5. No tag backs!

So here goes nothing...

11 Things about me...

1. I am training for a marathon right now, however I really don't find running very exciting. I know bad huh? Shhhhhhh! Don't tell anyone:)

2. I live in the city that Mardi Gras was "invented". Yes, I grew up going to every parade. Now, I go out of town during it.

3. I am a stay at home mom. So basically that makes me a slave to my 3 children. Football, gymnastics, soccer, OH MY! Rugrats...
4. I don't eat any red meat, Cant tell you why, I just don't. Enough said!

5. I haven't had a soft drink in 20 months. Wow, that's a long time. I used to drink 4 or 5 Diet Cokes a day.

6. My favorite food is Mexican and Margaritas. Margaritas are a food group right?
7. I am all about some "runcations". However money doesn't grow on trees apparently. It was a sad day when I found that out.:(
 Anyone that wants to pay for me to come run your race, I am so there, I promise I will write a lot about it:)

8. I am a reality tv junky! I mean its pretty bad, my husband thinks I'm crazy. He may be right!

9. I am a HUGE Alabama football fan. ROLL TIDE!
10. I really love living in the South, however lately I have been having the itch to move out west. So who knows.

11. I really want to go back to school, but I am too scared to fail at it. HMMMM, add to the bucket list?

So Now I am going to answer Mindys questions, then Alis questions...Hope your not bored yet:)

1. What is your favorite form of exercise and why? HIIT, mainly because I can get a total body workout in a shorter amount of time.
2. What is something that you've accomplished that you are extremely proud of? Losing 50lbs! You can read about it HERE
3. What inspired the name of your blog? Aiming to run those great 26.2 miles
4. What is one thing on your bucket list that you hope to accomplish soon? Losing this last 20 lbs and not dying in my first marathon in October.
5. What is one word that would most describe you? Active
6. What do you do for a living? What don't I do? LOL! I am a SAHM
7. What is your favorite book? A Fortunate Life by A.B. Facey
8. If you could travel anywhere where would you go? Greece
9. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? My lazy side! :(
10. Are you a morning person or night person? Morning for sure
11. What reality tv series is your favorite? Keeping up with the Kardashians
1. What is your favorite workout? I love a good HIIT workout any day.
2. What is your favorite meal? Mexican tacos with Cholula, YUM
3. What is your fitness goal? To lose 20lbs
4. What is your favorite vacation? Any "runcation" I can take. San Diego/ Phoenix
5. What is your favorite recipe? black bean burgers and roasted broccoli slaw
6. What is your favorite workout song? Any remix by Britney Spears
7. What is your favorite season? Summer
8. What is your favorite Olympic Event to watch? Swimming and track and field
9. What is your favorite workout? HIIT
10. What are your favorite workout shoes? Short runs, Altra Zero Drop Delilahs. Long runs, Saucony Kinvara 3
11. What is your must-have workout accessory? A good sports bra:)
Now to tag some super cool peeps:
My 11 questions...
1. What is your favorite race/activity you have participated in/
2. Do you train with a group or solo?
3. What part of the country do you live in?
4. What is you favorite machine in the gym?
5. What healthy dish do you like to make?
6.What is your favorite easy snack food?
7. What brand of athletic shoes do you prefer?
8. Who is your favorite athlete?
9. What sport do you wish you could compete in the Olympics?
10. Red, white, or blue?
11. Favorite travel spot?

Ok you guys turn...


  1. I absolutely love these types of posts because I learn so much about people.

    Please, please, please come back out to PHX...soon! =)

  2. I would totally do more events if money grew on trees too! Bummer! ;)

  3. see? and Ive never even heard the WORD runcation :-)
    apparently I need me one...

  4. see? and Ive never even heard the WORD runcation :-)
    apparently I need me one...

  5. see? and Ive never even heard the WORD runcation :-)
    apparently I need me one...

  6. see? and Ive never even heard the WORD runcation :-)
    apparently I need me one...

  7. I love these posts - so fun!

    I need more runcations in my life. If only money grew on trees...

  8. I love Mexican food too and a good HIIT workout. Thanks for tagging me! xo

  9. Loved reading more about you! And I can't wait for our runcation together!!! :-)

  10. Outstanding story there. What happened after? Thanks!

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