Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New medal earned, Paleo bread recipe, and a NO cheating your workout device, OH MY!

Yesterday I earned my first virtual race medal. 

Yep that beautiful medal was won by myself while training for upcoming races I have planned in 2014. I joined the Jost Running Virtual Race bloggers to show you guys how doing a virtual race can not only keep you on track in your training, but make you feel like your accomplishing the race times that you are reaching for. I have not ran much in the past 6 months, due to moving in to my new house and living in it while we do a total remodel, kids in non stop sports, and a little bit of functional depression. But I am now starting to train for the races that I have coming up, Pensacola Double Bridge,

I was excited to know when I finished my run yesterday that I had earned my "Running is a Winter Sport" medal which is absolutely beautiful. Jost Running definitely has beautiful medals. 
Check out all of the virtual races Jost Running has going on

While on Facebook last night I came across the awesome Jody from Truth2BeingFit.com recipe for Paleo bread she posted on her page. I luckily had everything at the house to make it, so off to the kitchen I went. Here is her Paleo bread recipe. The only thing I changed was instead of store bought almond flour, I made mine with raw almonds and a food processor. Super easy and delicious. It is not a sweet bread so if you are looking for it to be a little sweeter, you could always add in some dark chocolate chips.

Last but not least, I LOVE mail this time of the year. Thanks to the wonderful people over at Under Armour and the amazing Fit Fluential peeps, I received this beauty in the mail yesterday...
The Armour39 heart rate monitor. Yep this thing sounds amazing, not only does it tell you your stats for your work out, it also rates your "WILLpower" performance from 1-10. Yep there is NO cheating with this one! I will be checking it out this weekend and will have a full review up next week, stay tuned. 

I hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas season so far. 
Stay Inspiring!



    And congrats on your first metal!!! You will be winning TONS MORE "in the flesh" metals VERY SOON! And that heart rate monitor sounds intense, I remember when all they did was tell you your heart rate, lol!

  2. Hi Larissa! How are you? I'm looking for a new HR monitor so I'm looking forward to your review. You should join 14 in 2014 :)

  3. Awesome, on all counts!

    And Jody rocks!

  4. Congrats! Can't wait to hear about the Armour 39!!

  5. Congrats on your medal - exciting!!! Thank you so much for the shout out! Hopefully they go to my initial post on the bread so eatteachblog gets credit for the original recipe & I just changed it a little to meet me. :) Eager to hear about the heart rate monitor!

  6. Congrats!!! Looking forward to what you think about the Armour 39!
