Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Personal training at home with Wello.co

On Friday morning this was me at 5am...
This was me at 6am...
Meet my trainer for the morning Betty. I am glad I am in the small frame, I don't look that awake in the morning.
How did I meet Betty?
Welcome to Wello.co

Have you ever wanted a personal trainer to personally come to your house like a celebrity?
I know I do. Yes I go to the gym. Yes I train at home. Yes I used to be a certified personal trainer.
However there is nothing like someone else telling you what to do and pushing you to your limit.
Insert Betty!
I was able to go Wello.co and search through there database of trainers and pick the one I thought would be good for me. I was looking for someone to do a 25 minutes high intensity workout with.
I chose Betty because of all the different types of workouts she was certified for. I knew that I may wake up and be tired considering I had a heavy leg day 2 days prior and a mid distance run the day before. Basically I was SORE!
I filled out my questionnaire. Set up my computer. And waited for 6am on Friday to get here.
Sounds easy? You bet!

I woke up about 5:40 am and set up my computer, moved my coffee table and waited for Betty to come online. She was about 5 minutes early which was nice. We were able to chat before getting down to some Tabata business.
A short warm up, some Tabata (20sec work, 10sec rest, repeat), and a short cardio workout, and a cool down. 25 minutes later, I was dripping with sweat and feeling accomplished:)

Now I have some great news for all of you guys.
The great people at Wello.co is offering a 25% off discount for all of my 0to26point2 readers with the code 26point25.
Also the first 10 people to sign up get a $15 credit using code 26point25.
So hurry and go over to Wello.co and choose your trainer and your time.
You wont be disappointed!

I was given this opportunity to try out Wello.co as a Sweat Pink Ambassador for Fit Approach.
The opinions here are mine and only mine:)


  1. That is so cool! I've had a personal trainer and loved it. I'm now working with a virtual running coach and it's working out great. I didn't think to try it with strength training or yoga.

  2. I never knew this existed! I'm a certified trainer but I like it when I don't have to think so I can have someone else train me. Very cool!

  3. Awesome!!! I haven't used my Wello class yet...I don't have a webcam! :-( I'm gonna have to get one soon!

  4. Welp, this is just too cool. I don't go to a gym so this may be a better option for me.

  5. Awesome! I think that looks really cool.
