Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Training Tuesday: Shin stretch

So for Training Tuesday, a little video on an effective shin stretch...

I posted this video a while back about a great shin/Achilles stretch workout you can do in the gym. thanks to this simple exercise, I have not had shin splints in a very long time (thank god). A lot of that is do to always having the correct shoe and fit for my feet and also lots of stretching. Some people have no problems with them but a lot of people do. I have found this exercise to be very effective when it come to stretching out those hard to reach muscles.

Today I have a 4 mile run planned for this afternoon. Hopefully I wont be too tired after gymnastics, soccer, and football practice:) Wish me luck!

QOTD: What exercises do you find to be helpful for the smaller muscle group?

1 comment:

  1. Look at your leg muscles girl! Looking good! I used to have shin splints too...what helped me was to "write the ABC's" with my foot. Sounds silly but it really worked. :-)
